在售房产详细信息 价格: $585,000
820 3300 Ketcheson Rd., Richmond, West Cambie, BC, V6X 0S5
360°全景视图   HD高清图片
MLS号码 挂牌日期 物业类型 承建年份 卧室数量 卫浴数量 土地面积 居住面积
R2545515 3/3/2021 公 寓 2020 1 1 0 平方尺 585 平方尺
售出日期 挂牌价格 区域划分 建筑年龄 管理费用 市政地税 宠物/出租限制情况
尚未售出 $585,000 ZHR10 4 $309.79/月 $1,658.78 (2020) Pets Allowed w/Rest., Rentals Allwd w/Restrctns

Concord Garden Park Estate II - This efficiently designed 1 bed + den unit offers the ultimate privacy with wide open views. This bright and quiet home is lighted sufficently by facing to south, meanwhile enjoys a comfortable temperature through central heating and cooling system. Featuring laminate flooring and high end appliances. Rare unit with side-by-side washer and dryer, and a den large enough for your work-from-home office or as a secondary bedroom. Relax on the rooftop garden or play, exercise, and have fun in the Diamond Club. 1 Parking spot. Conveniently located to grocery, banks, transit, & restaurants within walking distance. Future Capstan skytrain station nearby.


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